West African country Senegal cuisine

                West African country  Senegal cuisine

Because Senegal borders the Atlantic Ocean, fish is very important. Chicken, lamb, peas, eggs, and beef are also used in Senegalese cooking, but not pork, due to the nation's largely Muslim population. Peanuts, the primary crop of Senegal, as well as couscous, white rice, sweet potatoes, lentils, black-eyed peas and various vegetables, are also incorporated into many recipes. Meats and vegetables are typically stewed or marinated in herbs and spices, and then poured over rice or couscous, or eaten with bread.

Popular fresh juices are made from bissap, ginger, buy (pronounced 'buoy', which is the fruit of the baobab tree, also known as "monkey bread fruit"), mango, or other fruit or wild trees (most famously soursop, which is called corossol in French). Desserts are very rich and sweet, combining native ingredients with the extravagance and style characteristic of the French impact on Senegal's culinary methods. They are often served with fresh fruit and are traditionally followed by coffee or tea

Senegalese Cuisine: 10 Dishes Worth Discovering

1. Thieboudienne

Thieboudienne is considered the national dish of Senegal. It was invented by Penda Mbaye, a famous nineteenth-century cook, and consists of fresh fish, dried fish, rice and tomato-garlic-onion-chilli puree, all served with many vegetables like pumpkin, cassava, eggplant and carrot.

2. Chicken Yassa 

This typical dish in Senegalese cuisine is native to Casamance (south-west of the country). It consists of chicken pieces marinated in a mixture of onions, lime juice, vinegar and peanut oil, before being grilled over a wood fire and then cooked over low heat in its marinade. It's served simply with white rice.
Yassa can also be prepared with mutton or fish.

3. Caldou 

Caldou is a recipe based on fish cooked in palm oil and served with vegetables and rice, served with a lime sauce.

4. Bassi Salte

Bassi Salte is a couscous of millet. It consists of meatballs made of mutton, sweet potatoes, potatoes, white beans, cabbage, carrots, dates, raisins and a tomato sauce.

5. Mafe

Mafe is a dish from Mali adapted to Senegalese cuisine. This is a rice base topped with a peanut paste sauce and usually accompanied by meat and vegetables.

6. Lakhou Bissap 

Lakhou bissap is a dish from Central and Western Senegal made from semolina and meat. It can be accompanied by dried fish, sorrel and tamarind and looks like a soup.

7. Firire 

Firire is a dish from Senegalese cuisine based on fried fish and onion sauce, served with fries, salad and bread.


Domoda is a rice-based dish with tomato and flour vinegar sauce - it's served with meat, fish or meatballs.

9. Pastels

Pastels are small hand held deep-fried pastry pockets stuffed with fish and spices, which can be soaked in a tomato sauce. 


Bissap is not actually a dish, but the most popular drink in Senegalese cuisine. It's a refreshing juice made from hibiscus flowers, water, sugar, mint or orange blossom.

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