East African Country Mozambique Cuisine

East African Country Mozambique Food

With a nearly 500-year presence in the country, the Portuguese have greatly influenced Mozambique's cuisine. Staples and crops such as cassava (a starchy root of Brazilian origin) and cashew nuts (also of Brazilian origin, though Mozambique was once the largest producer of these nuts[citation needed]), and  pozinho(pronounced , Portuguese-style French buns[citation needed]), were brought in by the Portuguese. The use of spices and seasonings such as bay leaves, chili peppers, fresh coriander, garlic, onions, paprika, red sweet peppers, and wine were introduced by the Portuguese, as were maize, millet, potatoes, rice, sorghum, and sugarcane. espetada, the popular inteiro com piripiri (whole chicken in piri-piri sauce), prego (steak roll), pudim (pudding), and rissoles (battered shrimp) are all Portuguese dishes commonly eaten in present-day Mozambique.

09 Best Dishes and Drinks to Try in Mozambique

Galinha Asada

Galinha asada translates from the Portuguese for “roast chicken”, but in Mozambique it is more often grilled, or barbecued over open fires at the side of the road. A staple for local Mozambicans, it can be prepared in several different ways. The most famous, of course, is piri-piri chicken, whereby the meat is marinated in the iconic sauce before being cooked. Ingredients vary from region to region and depend upon what is most readily available, including chilli, lime, onions, and green peppers. Galinha Zambeziana is a special variation from the Zambezia Province. In this instance, the chicken is marinated in the milk of freshly grated coconuts. 

Recess de Camarao


Recess de camarao are an excellent example of the extent to which Portuguese cuisine has become entrenched in Mozambican culture. A popular appetizer or snack food in both countries, these crescent-shaped croquettes contain a creamy whole shrimp sauce, which, depending on the recipe may also include spices or piri-piri. The mixture is folded into a dough parcel, then dipped in an egg-wash and covered with breadcrumbs before being deep fried. Recess de camarao can be enjoyed hot or cold, but are best bought fresh from the pan at a street-side stall.


Unlike many of the dishes on this list, matapa is uniquely Mozambican. Despite sharing its name with an ancient kingdom of Africa, it is a relatively humble dish, made from stewed cassava leaves blended with ground peanuts, garlic, and coconut milk. It is as delicious as it is simple, however, and it’s worth venturing beyond Mozambique’s Western restaurants to try it. Often, matapa is served with rice as a main dish, with small crabs or shrimp added to the stew for extra flavor. It can also be an accompaniment to seafood or meat, and is especially delicious when mopped up with xima.

Grilled Prawns

Mozambique’s coastline stretches for 1,535 miles and many of its people depend upon the sea for their livelihood. It comes as no surprise, then, that seafood plays a major part in local cuisine. Grilled fish, crumbed calamari, octopus prepared with garlic and smashed potatoes… All of these are easy to find. But, the highlight is undoubtedly Mozambique’s prawns, which often grow to incredible sizes. They are usually served grilled and slathered in piri-piri sauce; although lemon and garlic does just as well for those that prefer a milder taste. Prawns Nacional is another favorite, served with a creamy beer sauce. 


Portugal is not the only nation to have had an influence on Mozambican cooking. The country also has one of the largest Indian populations in Africa, thanks in large part to the ties created between Mozambique and the Indian state of Goa when both were part of the Portuguese empire. Chamussas are triangular, savory pastries inspired by the Indian samosa. In Mozambique, fillings range from meat and fish to potatoes or cheese. A popular street food or between-meals snack in larger cities like Maputo and Inhambane, they are made special by their unique blend of Mozambican spices. 


Another Portuguese classic reinvented with a Mozambican twist, dobrada was originally a peasant food in Portugal but is now considered a delicacy. The European version involves boiled tripe served with chickpeas or white butter beans and chorizo. In Mozambique, chickpeas, butter beans, and chorizo are harder to come by, and are therefore substituted with potatoes, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, and chillies. Dobrada is usually served with rice, although xima makes for an excellent substitute. You can use the maize porridge to mop up the stew with your fingers; a particularly satisfying way of eating that also saves on washing up.

Bolo Polana

Named after the Polana suburb in Maputo, bolo Polana is a traditional dessert often served for special occasions. It is made with mashed potato and powdered cashews, creating a uniquely smooth texture and a rich, nutty taste. Citrus zest and vanilla essence usually feature as well. Cashews are amazingly cheap and readily available throughout Mozambique, having been imported to the country from Portuguese Brazil. During the 1960s and 70s, Mozambique was the world’s largest producer of cashews, providing approximately half of the global crop. Bolo Polana is a delicious reminder of that legacy. 

Mozambican Beer

Probably the most ubiquitous beer brand in Mozambique is Laurentina, available in three varieties: Laurentina Preta (a dark lager), and Larentina Premium and Clara (both pale lagers). This is also the country's oldest beer brand, having first been brewed in 1932. Other popular Mozambican beers include 2M (pronounced dosh-em), Raiz (ranked as the country's best-tasting beer on ratebeer.com), Manica, and Impala; all of which taste pretty fantastic when served iced cold after a morning scuba dive or a hot afternoon on the beach. Best of all, beer is cheap in Mozambique so even budget travelers can afford to indulge.

Tipo Tinto

Mozambique's most famous liquor is undoubtedly Tipo Tinto, a locally brewed dark rum loved by Mozambicans and visitors alike for its distinctive taste (and dirt cheap price). Drinking it straight is a one-way ticket to a hangover to remember, though, so consider mixing yours with Coke or another kind of soda. The most popular way to enjoy Tipo Tinto is in an R&R (rum and raspberry), made with Sparletta's Sparberry flavor cool drink. Head to any of the tourist bars in coastal resorts like Ponto do Ouro or Tofo and you'll see many a reveler with their mouths stained red from this iconic Mozambican tipple.

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